Economics of Energy Markets
For the final assessment in this course, I was instructed to write a three page decision memorandum to the secretary about a policy initiative I chose to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. My policy was a progressive social carbon tax with supplemental grid electrification. 
Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
Though this course was primarily test and laboratory focused, a major component was developing a site exploration and lab testing plan for my ancestral home. I took on the challenge of completing an extensive analysis of my ancestral home in Dhaka, Bangladesh, rather than my home in the United States. I delivered a six minute presentation on my plan, as well as a completed memo
Income Inequality, Poverty, and Economic Justice
For a higher level economics seminar, I spent the semester researching an area that touched on the coursework themes. My focus of choice was microfinance, particularly the future of the industry and how it relates to its efficacy. As part of this semester long study, I wrote a Research Brief detailing an established study and experimental design, Policy Brief addressed to the Minister of Finance in Bangladesh, and a Final Paper where I designed my own study.

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